The best way to cure any sickness is to have an understanding of its origin. Viruses have been around as long as living organisms. Some viruses may have caused the termination of past civilizations. Not all viruses have been as deadly as the Black Plague though which wiped out half of Europe, or the Spanish Flu that killed 55 million people. These modern viruses are akin to plagues. Corona means Crown and I look to the King of Kings to find some answers. In the original Bible text the word for plague is Deber. The same letters of this language also spells Dibur, meaning speech. In the book of Malachi, one of the prophets of the 4th century before the common era, mentions a wrath of G-D for those who speak slander and the evil gossip like so many of us have been using as of late. This virus is also a respiratory disease, also relating to our speech. But, the defamatory remarks we have been making on social media can add fuel to this fire as well. I urge you all, myself included, to please stop it NOW. Maybe then we can catch a break and be cured once and for all.

What is so special about the total eclipse of the sun casting a shadow clear across the United States of America for several minutes of complete darkness in the middle of the day for many of us ?

Just about any non religious empirical scientist will explain that this type of phenomena is completely natural and they happen frequently. I suppose it may be a coincidence that our star sun, Sol is 400 times larger than our moon, Luna but it’s 400 times further away than the moon. Therefore, it’s only natural that the light from the sun will be totally blacked out by the moon turning the day into night for a few minutes.

It may also be coincidental that it will occur on a Monday, called Lunes in Spanish or Dies Lunae in Latin meaning Moon’s Day. My geologist friend says that such a statement means I’m a pagan. Perhaps he is being sarcastic because I made a similar zodiacal reference in my blog titled, ‘September 23, 2017′. He knows that I am an Israelite and a Jew who only worships the One G-D who happens to ubiquitously surpass nature and in fact controls all of the heavenly phenomena.

I happen to notice that this particular eclipse is bringing millions if not tens of millions of people across our great country together regardless of political affiliation and hundreds of millions of people will be looking up ( hopefully with adequate eye protection ). This is happening during a period of great upheavals, turmoil, and dissonance being spread psychologically and physically on our great planet we call home. Maybe it’s also coincidence that earthquakes, volcanoes, superstorms, tornados, floods, and other “natural” disasters have taken place in an astronomical daily basis for months now here on Earth coinciding with our own personal dissonance. I would like to think of it as a sign that an immanent spiritual revival is coming.

Beside many other seemingly coincidental occurrences related to this eclipse, I find it fascinating that the eclipse will happen the day before Tuesday, Dies Martis in Latin or Martes in Spanish, the day that is ruled by Mars according to the zodiac. In many pagan cultures this is a bad day to get married or embark on an excursion. For myself, it will be the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul, the twelfth and final month of the year. Elul is a Hebrew acronym for Ani l’ dodi, v’ dodi li meaning I am to my Beloved and my Beloved is to me. Taken from the ‘Song of Songs’ in the Bible, this refers to the relationship between G-D and all of us who praise G-D.

I would not be surprised if we may lose cell phone service or other geomagnetic effects from the eclipse but if there are other disturbances, do not panic but heed to the Prophet who said there is no place to run to find shelter other than stay inside and lock your door. I would add, say a heartfelt prayer for us all regardless of what might or might not transpire. Think good and it will be good. Trust in the Lord. Just saying…

Source: The Inescapable Truth About Global Warming — reuvenbryer

Source: September 23, 2017

By now you may have heard doomsday prophecies attributed to this auspicious day of September 23 of this year. Most of those who spread the news of doom and gloom claim a semblance to passages in the Biblical book of Revelation. I am not so familiar with the New Testament nor do I fully understand the planetary and stellar alignments alluded to in Revelation.

In the Old Testament there are prophecies regarding the coming of the Messiah which also describe turbulent and chaotic events much like the Apocalypse in the New Testament describing a second coming of the Messiah.

I have been watching and listening to scientific reports for the last several months describing anomalies from all over the Earth about volcano eruptions, tornados, massive rain storms, droughts, extreme heat, extreme cold, cyclones, hurricanes, etc. Our star sun Sol has also been acting up with CME’s   ( coronal mass eruptions ), granted, an eleven year cycle has just passed when these eruptions are likely but the cycle has passed and the Geo magnetic forces on Earth have been at effect with internet, cell phone, radio, and even power grids stalled or halted at times in some large areas around the globe.

Although this information is alarming, there is more to ponder. There appear to be political and international diversions going on around us. Certain masses of people are joining up with some leaders donning false flags, a military strategy used hundreds of years ago. The technique has you joining up with a group representing something you may believe and when it’s too late you find out you are on the wrong side.

The 23rd of September is also Saturday the 3rd day of the month of Tishrei on the Hebrew calendar. It is the beginning of the New Year (5778). Interesting that 5778 is the temperature of the sun on the Kelvin scale. A Saturday is the most dangerous day of the week according to the zodiac. It is ruled by the planet Saturn and yet it is the Sabbath Day, the Holiest day of the week. Those who praise G-D need not fear the perils of the Saturday because our Protector is above the nature of the zodiac and guarantees our protection provided we heed to the Word.

That particular Sabbath is called the Sabbath of Return ( Shabbat Shuvah ), or Sabbath to repent. It comes between Rosh Hashanah ( New Year ) and Yom Kipur ( Day of Atonement ). The 10 days are referred to as the days of awe and reverence.

Many of the prophecies in both Bibles paint a rocky picture but by Returning to complete faith in G-D promises salvation no matter where you are right now in spirituality. I highly recommend returning, the sooner, the better.

More, later,  Have a great Sabbath, Reuven

Source: The Inescapable Truth About Global Warming — reuvenbryer

Perhaps it was mere coincidence that in the year, 2005, I gave a presentation on Basic Green Building Technology, the same year as Hurricane Katrina. I was then a licensed general contractor, member of Brooklyn AIA ( American Institute of Architects ), and a member of the USGBC ( United States Green Building Council ). I chose […]

via The Inescapable Truth About Global Warming — reuvenbryer

Perhaps it was mere coincidence that in the year, 2005, I gave a presentation on Basic Green Building Technology, the same year as Hurricane Katrina. I was then a licensed general contractor, member of Brooklyn AIA ( American Institute of Architects ), and a member of the USGBC ( United States Green Building Council ). I chose to give this presentation for a general meeting of the Brooklyn AIA. What qualified me to do so was my LEED ( Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ) workshop background at Parsons School of Architecture. My goal was to inform the architects and engineers in my local chapter of the benefits for certifying their projects with LEED designations. My hidden agenda was my mission statement of making this a better world, raising our quality of life, and extending our longevity. To make such a presentation I had to offer CEU’s (Continuing Education Units) to the near 100 architects and engineers who would attend. That required the help of the USGBC. After many phone calls I finally got their permission and the First Chair, Naomi Cousins, a mechanical engineer herself, to make the presentation along with me.     LEED certified projects were in demand and sprouting up all over the nation. I was hoping that my presentation would inspire these professionals to become LEED AP’s   ( Associated Professionals ) who can add points toward certified projects. It was successful and some if not many of these pros did sign up to work on and build such projects. In my presentation I pointed out that previously, the United Nations formed a committee called the IPCC ( International Panel on Climate Change ). The UN commissioned around 1500 scientists from around the world to do a study on the causes of global warming and climate change. No one until now, 12 years later, has denied the fact that over the last 130 years every decade has shown a continuous rise in globally averaged temperatures. That is a plain and simple documented fact since global temperatures were first recorded when in 1873, countries began sharing annual data and in 1880, the World Meteorological Organization was founded. The greatest discrepancy amongst the IPCC scientists was a 10 to 20% variation on the percentage of whether the causes of global warming were anthropogenic ( caused by man ) or natural causes. Since the Industrial revolution average global temperatures have risen almost 2 degrees. The average layman may think that’s trivial or miniscule but that’s enough to cause specie extinctions and disappearing submerged coastlines throughout the world !                                              I am an avid fisherman and have fished on the Pacific Ocean coast, the Atlantic Ocean coast, and the Gulf Coast of Louisiana. Being safety conscious I always inspect the bodies of water which change radically from year to year. The changes are often dramatic and if you look at aerial photos of coastlines over the last twenty to thirty years it will blow your mind ! I don’t want to cause panic but we creatures who inhabit this sphere called Earth should be more than concerned. Even if global warming is only caused by Mother Nature there are many things we can do to cumulatively slow and hopefully alter the rise in temperatures. Looking for residence on other planets is not what I consider to be a reasonable alternative. Our world is as much a living entity as we are. Yes, we have an immune system that protects us and can rebuild some of our damaged cells when necessary. So too, the Earth, but that doesn’t mean we can continue to inflict wounds and damage our wonderful current home. Please, when the media tells you that it’s cold outside, open your windows,  doors, and your eyes to understand what’s really going on.    

See you in the ‘Passageways to Riches’ TM,  Reuven 

‘The Seminar’ Blog Talk Radio Show 11/04 by RobertBryer | Blog Talk Radio.

‘The Seminar’ ‘ Blog Talk Radio Show 10/21 by RobertBryer | Blog Talk Radio. A very informative evening with Linda Foster regarding health and healing. Thanks again Linda!